Anxiety Hypnotherapy Glasgow Are you looking for a Anxiety Hypnotherapy in and around the Glasgow area? Look no further Dolina Clark has the solutions for you, with many therapies available such as Anxiety Hypnotherapy, I can assure you that I will find the right option for you.
As you will see from the following pages, I am a registered professional Hypnotherapist and Thought Field Therapist working in the Glasgow area provide you and other exceptional Anxiety Hypnotherapy services. All the therapies mentioned in the following pages can play a significant part in our well being and I hope you will find something of interest and value that will benefit your particular circumstance.
I qualified as a radiographer and have held senior posts in the National Health Service and also in the Private Sector, helping people with various issues in the Glasgow area.
Hypnotherapy Across Glasgow Since early days, I have always been interested in how the mind can assist with the healing process and to that end, I continued with my studies and in 1993 , qualified in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis.
Life for most of us can be from time to time fraught with emotional stress and strain and all sorts of other problems such as lack of confidence, anxieties, panic attacks, fears, phobias, addictions, relationship problems, to name but a few. At the present time, social anxiety and relationship problems are on the increase. Fear and panic attacks are very common. Help with examinations and presentations are vital in today's competitive world. Post Traumatic Stress is more and more common. Hospital appointments and tests often weigh heavily on our minds.
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Call Dolina today on 0141 571 1413 .